東遠栗米鬚茶含有檸檬酸、葡萄酸、脂肪酸同維生素K, 可以改善急性腎炎、膀胱炎等, 還可以水火月弓消除水腫。同時亦視為減肥瘦身茶, 因為栗米鬚具有排毒、降三高的效用。長期安坐辨公室的你可以長期飲用, 有助排排濕氣。
Corn Tassel Tea contains citric acid, glucose, fatty acids, and vitamin K, which can improve acute nephritis, cystitis, and even reduce swelling. It is also a great weight loss tea because Corn Tassel has the effects if eliminating moisture and lowering blood pressure, blood sugar, and blood lipid. It's important to take a break and drink cup of tea to get rid of the dampness while sitting in the office.