HWAYO蒸餾燒酎25度 | 375ml | HWAYO Distill Soju 25%


已售出: 7


韓國高質燒酎, 就咁睇個樽都已經夠曬靚, 夠曬文青。HWAYO做嘅酒咁清咁純原來係有秘密咖! 佢用咗100%純米, 再加上利用150公尺深嘅純水反覆2次蒸餾。釀造時,將原料放入陶罐中儲藏於地下長期發酵,因此酒香馥郁、甘甜順口。 Korean Premium soju with younger and exclusive hint of freshness!! The secret of HWAYO is to use 100% pure rice and brewed by two distillations using pure water up to 150 meters deep under the ground. Raw materials are stored in earthenware pots and stored underground for long-term fermentation. Therefore, this wine is fragrant, sweet and smooth. HWVYO17 On the rocks HWVYO41 Cold / Warm


韓國高質燒酎, 就咁睇個樽都已經夠曬靚, 夠曬文青。HWAYO做嘅酒咁清咁純原來係有秘密咖! 佢用咗100%純米, 再加上利用150公尺深嘅純水反覆2次蒸餾。釀造時,將原料放入陶罐中儲藏於地下長期發酵,因此酒香馥郁、甘甜順口。

Korean Premium soju with younger and exclusive hint of freshness!! The secret of HWAYO is to use 100% pure rice and brewed by two distillations using pure water up to 150 meters deep under the ground. Raw materials are stored in earthenware pots and stored underground for long-term fermentation. Therefore, this wine is fragrant, sweet and smooth.

On the rocks

Cold / Warm

