農心辣味烏龍大碗麵 | 111g | Nong Shim Hot Flavor Neoguri Big Bowl Noodle


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粗身麵條, 韓國人最愛的辣湯湯底。已有40多年歷史, 味道濃鬱爽口, 麵條肥美有嚼勁國產海帶原料成為Neoguri的特色,增添了風味和營養。 Neoguri continued popularity for over 30 years, it made by deep and refreshing soup flavor and plump and chewy noodles, and the domestic seaweed ingredients have become Neoguri's unique feature, adding flavor and nutrition.


農心辛辣麵粗身麵條, 韓國人最愛的辣湯湯底。已有40多年歷史, 味道濃鬱爽口, 麵條肥美有嚼勁國產海帶原料成為Neoguri的特色,增添了風味和營養。
Neoguri continued popularity for over 30 years, it made by deep and refreshing soup flavor and plump and chewy noodles, and the domestic seaweed ingredients have become Neoguri's unique feature, adding flavor and nutrition.
