萬田雙烤有機紫菜 | 22g | Manjun Double Roasted Organic Seaweed




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選用韓國西南海岸無人島的清澈海水中, 天然生長的有機海苔, 再通過傳統方式利用陽光及風培育出高營養價值及口感極佳的有機紫菜。紫菜不咸不油, 十分適合小朋友食用! Double roasted organic seaweed is an organic laver that grows in the clear water of the uninhabited island on the southwestern coast of South Korea. Which used by natural sun light and wind to made the organic seaweed with high nutritional value with excellent taste. This seaweed isn't that salty nor oily, and it is one of good seaweed for children.


選用韓國西南海岸無人島的清澈海水中, 天然生長的有機海苔, 再通過傳統方式利用陽光及風培育出高營養價值及口感極佳的有機紫菜。紫菜不咸不油, 十分適合小朋友食用!
double roasted organic seaweed is an organic laver that grows in the clear water of the uninhabited island on the southwestern coast of South Korea. Which used by natural sun light and wind to made the organic seaweed with high nutritional value with excellent taste. This seaweed isn't that salty nor oily, and it is one of good seaweed for children. 

