東遠罐裝秋刀魚(燉泡菜用) | 300g | Dongwon Canned Mackerel Pike (For Kimchi Stew)




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秋季捕獲的新鮮鯖魚, 加入純淨清水、海鹽及泡菜精心醃製,不含任何防腐劑或添加劑。韓國銷量最穩定鯖魚罐頭, 每個韓國家庭常備, 可用作燉泡菜、燉秋刀魚等。 Fall season's Mackerel Pike made with purify water, sea salt and kimchi without any preservatives. This is the No.1 stable canned fish in Korea since every family will keep few of it at their kitchen. Which can have a good used as an ingredients for Kimchi stew, stewed saury, etc.


秋季捕獲的新鮮鯖魚, 加入純淨清水、海鹽及泡菜精心醃製,不含任何防腐劑或添加劑。韓國銷量最穩定鯖魚罐頭, 每個韓國家庭常備, 可用作燉泡菜、燉秋刀魚等。
Fall season's Mackerel Pike made with purify water, sea salt and kimchi without any preservatives. This is the No.1 stable canned fish in Korea since every family will keep few of it at their kitchen. Which can have a good used as an ingredients for Kimchi stew, stewed saury, etc.
