東遠優質純海帶絲 | 45g | Dongwon Premium Seaweed




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選用韓國優質海帶,海帶絲綠如翡翠,嫩口彈牙而美味,口感絲絲爽口和細膩,海藻的熱量低,營養高,不但可以作為美味的開胃小菜, 又能攝取充分的維生素和蛋白質。 It used high-quality seaweed from Korea, which is green like jade and has a tender texture with a delicious taste. The seaweed is low in calories yet high in nutrients, making it not only a tasty appetizer but also a great source of vitamins and protein. Its silky and delicate texture provides a refreshing and satisfying mouthfeel.


選用韓國優質海帶,海帶絲綠如翡翠,嫩口彈牙而美味,口感絲絲爽口和細膩,海藻的熱量低,營養高,不但可以作為美味的開胃小菜, 又能攝取充分的維生素和蛋白質。
It used high-quality seaweed from Korea, which is green like jade and has a tender texture with a delicious taste. The seaweed is low in calories yet high in nutrients, making it not only a tasty appetizer but also a great source of vitamins and protein. Its silky and delicate texture provides a refreshing and satisfying mouthfeel.
